We know that education is more than the acquisition of information, rigid academic curricula, and high stakes testing. In fact, the world is changing so rapidly that no one can really predict what information our children will need to know in the future. However, it is clear that intellectual flexibility, creative thinking, independent judgment, moral discernment, refined written and oral communication skills, and the ability to collaborate effectively will be essential to succeed in today’s ever changing, global community. The Waldorf curriculum, pedagogy, and teaching methods are designed to nurture these capacities and more.
It is the goal of a Waldorf teacher to cultivate a sense of wonder and to inspire children to view the world, even in its most basic form, as magnificent—prompting each student to embrace life with enthusiasm, initiative, and purpose. These aims are met through an education that is rich with meaningful sense experiences, classical academics, and artistic beauty in all subject matters.
The Waldorf curriculum provides a strong classical education, but does so in a way that nurtures the natural spirit of your child by encouraging the development of the whole child. The curriculum recognizes that children pass through distinct developmental stages, providing appropriate lessons which are created artistically by Waldorf-trained teachers and presented in a supportive, structured environment.
A good way to understand how our curriculum evolves to meet the needs of your child over time is to read not just what your child might learn this coming year, but also what comes before and after. You can read about each grade by clicking the buttons below.